Date 2025/06/27〜2025/06/29(Fri-Sun)
Venue Area Uonuma, Nagaoka, Sanjo and Kamo, Niigata, JAPAN
Categories 160km / 80km / 30km
Eligibility Please visit the corresponding page according to the event
  • 160km 220 people
  • 80km 220 people
  • 30km 50 people
  • [ITRA] 160km 6 points, 130km 5 points, 80km 4 points, 30km 2 points
  • [UTMB Index] 160km 100M, 130km 100M, 80km 100K, 30km 20K
Entry Period 2024/09/27 12:00 ~ 2025/02/28 23:59
Entry Fee Please visit the corresponding page according to the event
Venue Uonuma Irihirose Elementary School
236 Anasawa, Uonuma City, Niigata 946-0304, Japan
Mandatory Gear Please see the regulations page
Entry method Advance entry available via Runnet” (*There is no entry on the day of the event)
Reception/check-in venue Uonuma Irihirose Elementary School
236 Anasawa, Uonuma City, Niigata 946-0304, Japan
→Please see the venue page
Accommodation information →Please see the venue page
Awards Please see the regulations page
Cut-off times Please see the regulations page
Aid Station Supplies KODA energy gels, bread, bananas, bite-sized ramen noodles, instant miso soup, hot water, water, KODA electrolyte powder, barley tea *Please limit gels to 2 per person per aid station.
Planning and production TRAIL RUNNERS
Overall producer HIROAKI MATSUNAGA (President of TRAIL RUNNERS)
Support Uonuma City, Kamo City
Cooperation 防衛省・自衛隊新潟地方協力本部/長岡市/大白川生産森林組合/上ノ原水利組合/粟ケ岳倶楽部/七谷山荘/入塩川山岳会/入広瀬山楽会/加茂山岳会/Team Ricka/角田山柿ガール柿ボーイ/Mermaid Beach Run Club/YUKIDAN/株式会社ソトエ/TTT/(敬称略)
Advice Niigata Society for Research of Golden Eagle *The course was set in consideration of rare birds of prey based on advice from the Niigata Society for Research of Golden Eagle.
3-1-5 Imamachi Mitsuke Niigata Japan 954-0111
+81(0)258-66-7991【Business hour/Mid week 10:00~18:00】
※If you have any questions about the convention, please call us.

For those who are considering sponsorship

For questions and applications, please contact the TRAIL RUNNERS HP or contact the sponsor <info@trailrunners.jp>.

More information on the sustainability of the competition can be found here.